Share Your Story

Share your story

Community members, businesses, investors, visitors, workers, and students are invited to share their experience and stories of Darwin through the Discover Darwin website. It is free for everyone to participate.

We invite you to share a story about living, studying, investing, working and visiting Darwin by uploading narrative, images, videos, and other digital media to the Discover Darwin website.

Your stories will only be made public following a City of Darwin approval process.

The Process

1. Upload the story and files by clicking on the Submit Your Story link.
2. Once the content is uploaded, the City of Darwin team will review the content to ensure the content:

  • Focuses on your own positive Darwin story across five topics, including live, study, invest, work and visit
  • is appropriate for audiences of all ages
  • is not offensive
  • is not for commercial purposes
  • is not for political purposes
  • is not a breach of any copyright

3. The City of Darwin team will review and approve the content and then make it live on the Discover Darwin website.

Note: City of Darwin may edit the content if needed and will send you the edited copy for approval before making it public.

Copyright and dispute

It is important to ensure that you have the copyright for any content that you don’t create yourself. 
Copyright material may be photos, books, videos, or stories that have been authored, taken or written by someone else. Please ask the copyright holder and obtain written permission via email if you would like to contribute their content to your story. 

If any dispute arises from the content that you have shared, the City of Darwin team will remove the content.

You can contact City of Darwin and have your content updated or removed anytime. 
To share your stories, please use the submit Your Story link, and we look forward to your submission.